Sunday, May 22, 2011

Talk Less Do More

I just wanna write. Write everything. I think, during this time, I was too many in talk. Talk more then nothing to do. What should I do? I often not focus. I have so many idea, so many dream, and so many plan. But WHAT I've done? If I think it carefully, deeply, I fell so depress... Ya Rabb... I don't want this. If this feeling come up, my friends, or anybody beside me get impact. My fierce face make them have bad feeling too. Really I don't want this. Even if they have good impress to me in order I always smile and make my feeling better, it's really really BULLSHIT. That's the true. Actually I force myself to smile, but my feeling can't be better soon. I just wanna sleep away and go.. go...go away from them for a moment. I need time to myself.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dua Waktu Tidur Yang Dilarang Rasul

Tidur menjadi sesuatu yang esensi dalam kehidupan kita. Karena dengan tidur, kita menjadi segar kembali. Tubuh yang lelah, urat-urat yang mengerut, dan otot-otot yang dipakai beraktivitas seharian, bisa meremaja lagi dengan melakukan tidur.
Dalam Islam, semua perbuatan bisa menjadi ibadah. Begitu pula tidur, seperti yang dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah saw. Dalam Al-Quran, Allah swt pun menyuruh kita untuk tidur. Namun, ternyata ada dua waktu tidur yang dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah untuk tidak dilakukan.